• Our First Couple, Rev. Robert Countiss and beautiful wife Carla
  • Chancel Choir and Handbells
  • "Go in Peace"








  • Week of March 23rd Lenten Scripture Readings

  • Palm Sunday and Good Friday...WHAT about the other days?

  • New Zoom Study beginning Thursday, March 20th

    ZOOM Study with Dr. Bob - A new class based on the book, "Winning the War on Worry," by Louis Giglio will begin on Thursday. This is a ZOOM only class on Thursdays at 6:30pm. The book focuses on overcoming fear and anxiety by focusing on God's perfect love. It helps cultivate a heart of peace and joy no matter what circumstances you are facing. Worry does not need to weigh us down. The book is not required to enjoy and participate in the study.

    Email: microdr76@outlook.com to join in!!!

  • Up for an Adventure

  • Inclement Weather Policy

  • COME

Sunday Morning Worship 10:00am
Sunday School - 11:10am
Rev. Robert Countiss, D. Min.